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Description: Grevillea banksii 'Mason's Hybrid', Taken: 10 January 2019, [HERBARIUM SPECIMEN] ACRA NO: Acc 208 Copyright : Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) holds copyright
Photographer: Palmer, R.

Grevillea 'Mason's Hybrid'

File Number
ACRA Field Book Number
Registration Date
Application Received
Cultivar Name
Grevillea 'Mason's Hybrid'
Grevillea 'Mason's Hybrid' arose as a seedling from seed collected from an upright glaucous form of Grevillea bipinnatifida. The seed was grown at the Kentlyn Nursery, Georges River Road, Kentlyn, New South Wales. As the seedlings grew a number showed certain differences and were selected out and grown on. As the plants grew it became more obvious that they were hybrid seedlings. Because of certain characteristics the other parent was presumed to be G. banksii. Cultivar first received by the Authority on 2 August 1980.
This cultivar grows into a bushy shrub plus/minus 1.5m tall by up to 2m across. The foliage is very similar to another G. banksii x G. bipinnatifa hybrid, G. 'Robyn Gordon'. The racemes of flowers are 12cm long by 10cm in diameter. For the individual flowers the perianth parts are plus/minus 18mm long and the style plus/minus 25mm. Flowers can be found at all times of they year. The flowers are apricot coloured ant the styles are red. Diagnosis: The foliage of G. 'Mason's Hybrid' can be difficult to distinguish from the foliage of G. 'Robyn Gordon'. The flowers may be easily distinguished. G. 'Mason's Hybrid' has apricot coloured flowers whereas G. 'Robyn Gordon' has red flowers. The flower racemes are more open and spreading than in G. bipinnatifida and are not held erect as in G. banksii. The distinguishing features from another hybrid with the same parentage, G. 'Superb', are that G. 'Mason's Hybrid' grows taller, and flower colour is different. The flower is also a little smaller than G. 'Superb'. The style tips are quite different colours. Comparators: Grevillea 'Robyn Gordon' ACRA ACC001. Grevillea 'Kentlyn' ACRA ACC207. Note: G. 'Mason's Hybrid' has been sold under the synonymous names Grevillea 'Ned Kelly' and Grevillea 'Kentlyn', but should in future be referred to as G. 'Mason's Hybrid'.
G. 'Mason's Hybrid' is drought hardy. The new growth is cut back by frost but is otherwise hardy. This cultivar must be propagated by vegetative means to preserve the cultivar form.
Australian Cultivar Registration Authority (1988), Garden Varieties of Australian Plants 1: 8
Colour Coding
RHS Colour Chart 1966.style tip: red group 46B.style: near red group 46A.perianth (inner): near red group 45C.perianth (outer): near red group 41B.Note: The flowers fade as they age to an orange�apricot colourorange-red group 31B
Cuttings from semi-firm new growth
Applicant Name
Mr J B Mason, SW Native Flora, Old Mill Road,Northcliffe, 6262.
As part of a mass planting or mixed in a shrubbery, or as a spectacular feature plant. Attracts nectar feeding birds.
Specialist native plant nurseries
ANBG Accession Numbers
ACC208; ACRA071; CBG8008971/8701098p.