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Description: Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Cockatoo', Taken: 10 September 2018, [HERBARIUM SPECIMEN] ACRA NO: Acc 189 Copyright : Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) holds copyright
Photographer: Murdock, C.

Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Cockatoo'

File Number
ACRA Field Book Number
Registration Date
Application Received
Cultivar Name
Xerochrysum bracteatum 'Cockatoo'
Xerochrysum 'Cockatoo' is a spontaneous hybrid between Xerochrysum 'Dargan Hill Monarch' and a white flowered perennial form of Xerochrysum bracteatum which arose in Mr D M McKenzie's garden at 3 Pearl Street, Ocean Grove, Victoria, 3226. Cultivar received by the Authority 26 November 1979. (Once known as Bracteantha bracteata 'Cockatoo', formerly Helichrysum bracteatum 'Cockatoo')
This cultivar forms a bush that is compact and very dense and grows to plus/minus 1m tall x plus/minus 1m wide. The leaves are covered with fine hairs which gives them a greyish bloom. They are oblanceolate in shape and vary from 6 to 12cm in length. The stems are also covered in fine hairs. The inflorescence is large, averaging 7cm in diameter. The ray florets are very numerous and are plus/minus 21.5cm long. They are a light lemon yellow in colour, with odd flowers showing mottled ray florets of a deeper yellow colour. The disc florets are a golden orange. The flowers are displayed well on long stems held some 12-15cm above the foliage. The flowering period is spread over spring, summer and autumn but some flowers are found all year round. Diagnosis: The cultivar differs from its parents in the colour of its inflorescence and the size and shape of the shrub. Its perennial habit is the same as for both parents.
This cultivar has been grown for 8 years and tried in most situations. It performs best in a full sun situation. The bush tolerates regular pruning which helps to improve its form and flowering potential. Pruning also helps to rejuvenate older plants. It is a perennial plant as is Xerochrysum 'Dargan Hill Monarch' though not long lived, and is best replaced after a few years. The name 'Cockatoo' was selected as the shape and colour of the ray florets resemble the wing feathers of the sulphur crested cockatoo.
Payne, W.H. (1982), Garden Cultivars of Australian Plants. Australian Plants 11(85): 33-34; Wrigley, J.W. & Fagg, M. (2003), Australian Native Plants: cultivation, use in landscaping and propagation Edn. 5: 198
Colour Coding
RHS Colour Chart 1966. Disc florets: near yellow orange group 23A.ray florets: near green yellow group 1D.
Propagation is quick (2-4 weeks) form cuttings of new growth.
Applicant Name
Mr D M McKenzie of Ocean Grove, Victoria.
As part of a mass planting or mixed in a shrubbery, or as a spectacular feature plant or large display pots.
ANBG Accession Numbers
ACC189, CBG7911034