1157: /photos/boxed/grevillea_poorinda_belinda.x_1046.jpg
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Description: Grevillea juniperina 'Poorinda Belinda', Taken: 10 January 2019, [HERBARIUM SPECIMEN] ACRA NO: Acc 010 Copyright : Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) holds copyright
Photographer: Palmer, R.

Grevillea 'Poorinda Belinda'

File Number
ACRA Field Book Number
Registration Date
Application Received
Cultivar Name
Grevillea 'Poorinda Belinda'
Raised by Mr.L.Hodge at his Poorinda property, now at Mt.Lookout Road near Bairnsdale, Victoria. The parentage of this cultivar is New South Wales Grevillea juniperina R.Br.x(yellow Grevillea obtusiflora x Grevillea alpina). The cross is sterile.
A shrub with laxly spreading to divaricate branches; leaves 15-25mm long,2-4mm broad, oblong to narrow elliptical, + acute with scarcely pungent points, glabrous glossy and trinerved above, the margins recurved; infloresence a short loose raceme, the rachis 7-8mm long, pubescent; flowers on slender pubescent pedicals 5-7mm long; perianth tube 8-10mm long + 1mm diameter near the recurved limb, dilating to + 3mm diameter below the middle, pubescent, the limb 2.25mm diameter, more densely pubescent; ovary villous as is the 2mm long stipe; style + 20mm long villous in the lower part with scattered hairs above, disc surrounding stigma obicular 2mm diameter, glabrous. Diagnosis: Grevillea 'Poorinda Belinda' differs from G. juniperina chiefly in its scarcely pungent + flat leaves; perianth tube more broadley dilated below the middle; ovary and stipe villous, the stipe much less than 4mm long, and inits hairy style. Comparators: Grevillea juniperina R.Br. 13M (Ca 21Km) from Braidwood-Nerriga, New South Wales, D.W. Shoobridge, 28-10-1962 CBG 013054. Notes: Another attractive addition to the "Poorinda" range of cultivars and one that is similiar at least in leaf shape to G. 'Poorinda Signet'. It can be distinguished from that cultivar by the innocuous points of its leaves; its shorter inflorescence and the hairy covering of its branches which is not distinctively whitish grey. Differences to be seen are densely hairy ovary of G. 'Poorinda Belinda', its much longer hairy style and its overall flower colour which is a pale orange shade rather than brick red.
Hardy grows well in most well drained soils and aspects. It responds well to heavy pruning and is drought tolerant and frost hardy
(1976), New Australian wildflower cultivars registered here. Australian Plants 8(67): 327
Colour Coding
RHS Colour Chart, 1966 editionPerianth tube:orange group 26CPerianth limb:orange group 29CStyle:orange group 29DDisc surrounding stigma:yellow green group 145A.
Cuttings from semi-firm new growth
Applicant Name
L. Hodge
As part of a mass planting or mixed in a shrubbery, or as a feature plant.
ANBG Accession Numbers
ACC010, CBG8006418/8006419/8006631