993: /photos/boxed/grevillea_honey_gem.x_1697.jpg
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Description: Grevillea banksii 'Honey Gem', Taken: 07 January 2019, [HERBARIUM SPECIMEN] ACRA NO: Acc 178 Copyright : Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) holds copyright
Photographer: Palmer, R.

Grevillea 'Honey Gem'

File Number
ACRA Field Book Number
Registration Date
Application Received
Cultivar Name
Grevillea 'Honey Gem'
This cultivar is said to be a hybrid between Grevillea pteridifolia and Grevillea banksii (red form). The plant was obtained as a Grevillea pteridifolia seedling by Mrs Cherrel Jerks, 64 Hillsdon Road, Taringa, Queensland. It is a robust plant that will grow approximately 6m tall.
Leaves are very deeply pinnately lobed ie. as deep as the midrib. Each leaf is more or less 29cm long and more or less 24cm wide. Individual lobes of the leaves are 18cm long and from 2-4mm wide. The upper surface of the leaf is dark green and the underside is covered with silky hairs. The leaf margins are rolled under. Young stems are covered with silky hairs. Flowerheads are apricot with yellow styles, borne on a spike 16cm long and 8cm wide. Individual flowers are more or less 4cm long and set fertile seed. Diagnosis: Grevillea 'Honey Gem' is distinguished from its parents in that the leaves are intermediate between the two parent species with a bearing towards Grevillea pteridifolia. The flowers are whorled around the flower spike as in Grevillea banksii and not one sided as in Grevillea pteridifolia. Grevillea 'Sandra Gordon' is a hybrid that has a common parent with G. 'Honey Gem'. The common parent is G. pteridifolia. These cultivars differ from one another in that Grevillea 'Sandra Gordon' has flower racemes to 12cm long and the individual flowers are densely packed on the raceme. The flowers are a bright yellow and the deep lobes of the leaves are generally wider than G. 'Honey Gem'. G. 'Honey Gem' has a raceme 16cm long and the individaul flowers are borne relatively loosely on the racemes. The flowers are a browny-orange to apricot colour. The leaves are wider and longer but the individual lobes are generally narrower than those in G. 'Sandra Gordon'.
Performs best in an open to semi-shaded situation in well-drained soils. Severe frosts may burn the softer new growth, but mild frosts are tolerated. It responds well to pruning, helping to keep a more compact shape.
Australian Cultivar Registration Authority (1980), Australian Plant Cultivars. Australian Plants 11(85): 38
Colour Coding
RHS Colour Chart 1966 Flowers: perianth tube: near greyed orange 167B.perianth limb: greyed orange 163C.style: yellow orange 23A.
Cuttings from semi-firm new growth
Applicant Name
Mrs CJ Jerks.
As part of a mass planting or mixed in a shrubbery, or as a spectacular feature plant. Attracts nectar feeding birds.
Windyridge Nursery
ANBG Accession Numbers
ACC178, CBG8701090/8908957p/8801324c/7905932/8701090p