989: /photos/boxed/grevillea_canterbury_gold.x_244.jpg

Grevillea 'Canterbury Gold'

File Number
ACRA Field Book Number
Registration Date
Application Received
Cultivar Name
Grevillea 'Canterbury Gold'
Grevillea 'Canterbury Gold' is said to be a hybrid between G. juniperina(prostrate yellow form) andG. victoriae var.leptoneura. The cultivar arose in a garden in Canterbury Road, Blackburn, Victoria in 1971. It has been propagated and distributed by Austraflora Nursery since 1975.Cultivar received by the Authority on the 10th October 1978. The applicant is Molyneux Nurseries, Belfast Road, Montrose, Victoria. Originally registered as Grevillea 'Austraflora Canterbury Gold'
This cultivar has a basically prostrate and dense habit and grows to +4m across. Occasional branches grow more vigorously to 600mm tall and have an arching habit. The stems are round and covered in soft, appressed hairs, particularly on the new growth but also extending to the older stems. The leaves are 35-50mm long when fully grown and alternate on the stems. They are lanceolate in shape. The leaves have a sparse covering of silky hairs above but appear glabrous to the naked eye. The underside of the leaves have a dense covering of these hairs which give them a glaucuos appearance. The leaves have a soft but prominent tip and a prominent, raised midvein on both the upper and lower surfaces. The leaf margins vary from slightly recurved to flat. The flowers are borne in densely packed terminal and axillary racemes. They are clear yellow to gold in colour and are larger in size than the flowers of G.juniperina. The perianth segments are covered in fine, silky hairs while the style is glabrous. The individual flower grows to + 25mm long on racemes to 35mm long. Diagnosis: The leaves of the cultivar have recurved to flat margins compared to the revolute margins of G. juniperina and the recurved margins of G. victoriae var. leptoneura. They measure 35-50mm long compared with + 12.5mm long and 20-75mm long for G. juniperina and G. victoriae var. leptoneura respectively. G. juniperina has pungent, rigid leaves that are glabrous above and hairy below. White G.victoriae var leptoneura has apiculate tips and the leaves are hairy above when young, gradually turning glabrous and have a short tomentum below. Grevillea 'Austraflora Canterbury Gold' has a prominent but soft tip with a sparse hairy covering above and a dense tomentum below. In all cases the individual flowers are hairy. The style of G.juniperina is glabrous to sparsely hairy while the styles of Grevillea'Austraflora Canterbury Gold' and Grevillea victoriae var. leptoneura are glabrous. The parent form of G. victoriae var. leptoneura grows to 2m tall. The cultivar is basically prostrate with some branches arising to 600mm tall with an arching habit. Comparators: Grevillea juniperina NBG 014582 Grevillea victoriae var. leptoneura NBG 068600
The foliage when fresh has a grey-green colour which gives a soft appearance to the foliage. It is a prolific flowerer with flowers found all year round. It has proved adaptable to both shaded and open aspects, neither of which affect its vigour or habit. It grows best on well drained sites and is frost tolerant. It has been suggested that it would be an excellent plant for utility plantings in parks, median strips and carparks as well as for home gardens.
Previous publication in "Your Garden" magazine in September 1979, page no.76.
Colour Coding
R.H.S. Colour Chart1966.perianth tube: near yellow orange 18Astyle: near yellow orange 18A
Cuttings strike very readily and vegetative propagation must be used to preserve this cultivar form.
Applicant Name
Molyneux Nurseries Pty. Ltd.
As part of a mass planting or mixed in a shrubbery, or as a spectacular feature plant. Attracts nectar feeding birds.
Kuranga Nursery
ANBG Accession Numbers
ACC156, ACRA078, CBG79811623