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Description: Correa reflexa 'Marian's Marvel', Taken: 24 January 2019, [HERBARIUM SPECIMEN] ACRA NO: Acc 206 Copyright : Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) holds copyright
Photographer: Palmer, R.

Correa 'Marian's Marvel'

File Number
ACRA Field Book Number
Registration Date
Application Received
Cultivar Name
Correa 'Marian's Marvel'
Correa 'Marian's Marvel' is a cross between C. reflexa and C. backhouseana. It arose in the garden of Marion Beek of Naracoorte, South Australia. The cultivar was first received by the Authority in July 1980. Registration applied for by Mr W R Elliot of Montrose, Victoria.
This cultivar is an open shrub from 1-2m tall by up to 3m across. The stems are long and spreading and ascendant at the ends. Older stems are glabrous though younger stems are densely covered in pale to dark brown stellate hairs. The leaves are cordate with simple margins, an obtuse apex and up to 3cm long by 2cm wide. They are glabrous and shiny above and densely covered in pale to dark brown stellate hairs. The leaves are cordate with simple margins, an obtuse apex and up to 3cm long by 2cm wide. They are glabrous and shiny above and densely covered with pale to rusty stellate hairs on the underside. The flowers are tubular, up to 3cm long by 1cm wide and found from March to September. These are found in groups of one to three per axil, are pink with creamy green tips and covered with fine stellate hairs. The calyx lobes are not reflexed and the stamens are exserted. Diagnosis: 1-2m, up to 3m. Leaves cordate; 3cm long, 2cm wide, glabrous above, rusty hairy below. Flowers tubular, 3cm long, slightly reflexed, pink/creamy green.
Correa 'Marian's Marvel' grows in most situations, preferring a shady to filtered sun situation but will grow satisfactory in a full sun position. It is adaptable to most well drained soils. The cultivar is frost hardy, though will require supplementary watering during extended dry periods. The cultivar should be propagated by vegetative means to preserve the cultivar form.
Elliot, W.R. & Jones, D.L. (1984), Encyclopaedia of Australian plants suitable for cultivation Volume 3
Colour Coding
RHS Colour Chart 1966. Flowers: corolla lobes: close to yellow green 154C.upper corolla: red group 55B.
Cuttings from semi-firm new growth
Applicant Name
W R and G M Elliot
As part of a mass planting or mixed in a shrubbery, or as a feature plant. Attracts nectar feeding birds.
Widely available, Kuranga nursery
ANBG Accession Numbers
ACC206; ACRA289; CBG8801148.